কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি 6

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি (Computer and Information Technology)

241.  The 1st digital computer- UNIVAC-1 [Edition December, 2008];
242.  IBM was provided software for PCs by- Microsoft;
243.  The first personal computer- Sphere 1;
244.  Time sharing, teletyping were associated with- mainframe computers;
245.  Midrange computer- Minicomputer;
246.  The first electric computer with storage program- EDSAC;
247.  The first computer game- Space war (1962);
248.  There are many computers or dumb computers are jointed with Mainframe computers;
249.  RAM cache will not be more than one-fourth of RAM;
250.  Memory capacity of a CD is 700MB;
251.  Networking operating systemis- Resource sharing;
252.  Personal computer, Mainframe and Mainframe computers can use the operating system-
UNIX operating system;
253.  Real time server meant- Then and then;
254.  The internal memory of computer is called- Main memory;
255.  The main memory of Atlas operating system- Dram;
256.  The main part of Atlas operating system- Device drive;
257.  The important part for activating of hardware of computer- Software;
258.  Computer can works in diversifying- for processor;
259.  DPT starts in Macintosh computer;
260.  Clone is duplication of developed computer;
261.  First computer was installed in Bangladesh in 1964 at Bangladesh Nuclear Energy
Commission, Model: IBM-1620;
262.  The unit of speed of computers work is- Nano second (1 Nano second =10-9 second)


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