- George Boole find the relationship between Logic & Math’s in 1854;
- George Boole invented the Boolean Algebra;
- There are 2 values of each variable in Boolean Algebra;
- There are 3 basic/fundamental gates in Boolean Algebra;
- NOT is one of the basic/fundamental gates of Boolean Algebra;
- The logic gate NOT has one input and one output;
- NOT operator is one of the logical operator;
- The logic gate NOT has- One output & One Output;
- The main character of NOT gate is- reverse the signal;
- X-NOR gate is the combination of X-OR gate and NOT gate;
- John Nepiar invented- Logarithms;
- Super computers, Mainframe computers, minicomputers and Micro computers are based on Digital;
- The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called- sorting;
- The brain of a computer within the CPU is- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU);
- Central Processing Unit is combination of Arithmetic Logic Unit & Control Unit;
- The ancient Babylon people used 2 types of counting system;
- The ancient Babylon people used 15 based for large counting;
- The ancient Babylon people used 10 based for small counting;
- The ten-based book was published in India;
- Al Khwarizmi wrote a book on ten based;
- Binary number system is mainly used for computer system;
- In binary number system 2 is the base;
- In decimal system there are 10 digits;
- In number system the lowest unit is digit;
- Computers use 2 digits for its electronic job purpose: 0 & 1;
- 1 (One) is the value of any number when its power zero;
- The binary compliment of 0 is 1;
- The binary compliment of 1 is 0;
- The number with the fraction is called- real number;
- There are 2 kinds of real number;
- Rational number is understood by integer;
- Internal processing (task) of computer is normally performed in- Binary system;
- In octal number system, 8 base;
- In Hexadecimal number system the base is 16;
- Octal + Decimal = Hexadecimal number;
- ASCII code that used for the English and Roman language;
- There are 2 steps in ASCII;
- There are 256 symbols used for the main English language;
- There are 85000 symbols used for the Chinese language;
- There are 65536 codes for UNICODE consodium in the world for all language;
- The latest version of UNICODE 501;
- The length of Unicode character is 16 bits;
- Bit is the short form of- Binary & digit;
- The first digital computer was invented by- Blias Pascal;
- The name of 0 & 1 is bit;
- The name of the word that constitute of eight bits in Binary system-Byte; 8 bit=1 Byte.
- 8 bits are used for processing data;
- The name of Coding system that is used in Bangla language- UNICODE;
- An EBCDI code is 8 Bit;
- Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is 4 Bit;
- Low level language is own language of computer which is written in binary;
- The capacity of 3.5 inches floppy disc is 1.44 MB;
- The base 16 number system is – Hexadecimal
- প্রাচীন ব্যাবিলনে গণনার পদ্ধতি ছিল ২ ধরনের;
- হেক্সাডেসিমেল গণনার মৌলিক অংক ১৬টি;