English literature

English literature (ইংরেজী সাহিত্য)

• Alfred is the founder of English prose.
• Chaucer is the father of English poetry.
• Edmund Spencer is called the poet’s of poet.
• Ralph Royster Doyster is the first drama in English literature.
• John Donne is called the ‘poet of love’.
• Shakespeare is known mostly for his plays (famously plays are The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, King Lear, As you like it, The taming of the shrew, Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopetra).
• Paradise lost is an epic poem by John Milton.
• Jonathan Swift is the most famous satirist in English literature.
• The first English novel, ‘Pamela’ has been written by Samuel Richardson.
• The first English dictionary was compiled by Samuel Jonson.
• Henry Fielding is the father of English novel.
• Gulliver’s Travels is written by Jonathan Swift.
• John Keats is knows as poet of beauty.
• Wordsworth is a romantic poet. He is considered as the poet of nature in English literature.
• Pride and prejudice is written by Jane Austen.
• A tale of two cities and David Copperfield are written by Charles Dickens.
• Maxim Gorky is the writer of the book ‘Mother’.


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