কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি 4

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি (Computer and Information Technology)

bit express in small letter (b) and Byte express in Capital letter (B)

161.  1 Byte =  8 bit ( b)

162.  1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes (B) = 210 bytes information;
163.  1 Megabyte = 1024 x 1024 bytes = 220 bytes =
106 bytes information;
164.  1GB = = 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes information = 230 bytes information;
165.  One millisecond is equal to a 1000th
of a second;
166.  The largest unit of storage- Terabyte;
167.  Modem is a device for exchanging data;
168.  Data transfer rate of a dial up MODEM is measured in kbps (Kilo Byte per Second);
169.  Modem connection is used to assess the internet in a very remote location;
170.  Antivirus software is anutility software;
171.  In MS Word application package, you can produce some letter for different persons by
using- mail merge;
172.  If you format a disk then- everything will be lost.
173.  In the numerical key pad of a standard key board available- 17 keys;
174.  In a standard keyboard functional keys available- 12 keys;
175.  Charles Babbage invented his first calculating machine in 1812;
176.  Analytical engine of Charles Babbage was the simplification of modern computer;
177.  The specialty of EDVAC- storage program;
178.  “Microsoft Outlook” is a software designed to function as- An Internet Explorer;
179.  Transistor invented in 1948;
180.  Integrated Circuit (IC) invented in 1958;
181.  The most distinctive difference between a LAN and a WAN is- Distance covered;
182.  Programming errors detected by the language translator are called- Syntax errors;
183.  MS Access- A database package;
184.  MS Word, Word Star, WP- Word Processing Packages;
185.  In windows operating system “ctrl + alt + del” command indicate- Shutdown the
186.  Screen size does not affect the resolution of a video display image;
187.  Records are composed of fields;
188.  Fields are composed of- bytes and character;
189.  LASER printers are known as- Character printer;
190.  High speed & high quality printer- LASER printer;
191.  The number system used to store data in a computer is- Binary;
192.  The fasted data transmission media is- Fiber optic cable;
193.  The low level language- machine language, assembly language;
194.  High level language is also called- Problem oriented language, Business oriented language,
Mathematically oriented language;
195.  Interpreter translate one instruction- at a time;
196.  The component hold a charge even through power has been removed- Capacitor;
197.  Different components on the motherboard of a PC processor unit are linked together by sets
or parallel electrical conducting lines- Busses;
198.  Odd parity bit & Even parity bit associated with error detector;
199.  Analog computer works on the supplyfor continuous electrical pulses;
200.  Speed measurement device of vehicle- Analog computer;


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