কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি 3

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি (Computer and Information Technology)

81.  In a computer system there are 4 parts;
82.  Unwanted e mail- Spam;
83.  The word ‘Computer’ came from Geek;
84.  The process of starting of resting a computer is – Boot;
85.  The ability to have a number of applications running at the same time is called – Integrated;
86.  In general, “My Document” is located at- C drive;
87.  In general, letter D is considered [except A, B & C] for Hard Disk Drive;
88.  Hard disk is a auxiliary drive;
89.  Keyboard is used to store data;
90.  Register is a part of CPU;
91.  The printers usually used in office work- Dot matrix, Inkjet, LASER;
92.  A dot matrix printer prints with “pin and ribbon”.
93.  The term “Hard copy” means- Printed copy;
94.  The best chart for showing parts of a whole- Pie;
95.  A separate file sent as part of an email message is called a/an- attachment;
96.  Computer memory is normally measured in Gigabytes;
97.  Time to spin the needed data under head- Latency time;
98.  Time to position the head over proper track- Seek time;
99.  Access time is Seek time + Latency time;
100.  The smallest power interruption that can cause memory errors or cause the computer to
lock up- 1/200 seconds;
101.  Properly arranged data is called- Information;
102.  Another word for a Daisy Wheel Printer- Golf ball printer.
103.  The wheel of mouse can make it easier scroll through documents;
104.  First program of Microsoft- DOS;
105.  MS-DOS is operating system for IBM PCs;
106.  DOS is not a multi user multi taking operating system;
107.  ‘DOS’ floppy disc does not have virtual memory;
108.  Text based operating system- DOS,UNIX (for mainframe computer);
109.  Mac Operating System is compatible for Macintosh computer;
110.  The disk contains operating system is called- start up disk;
111.  Cache- related to memory of a computer;
112.  Cache memory have the shortest access time;
113.  The computer that has no hard disc storage but sends input and receives output from the
server is knows as- Host;
114.  Binary system is used to store data in a computer;
115.  Example of optical storage device (auxiliary memory)- Hard Disk, CD, DVD, Pen Drive;
116.  USA is the inventor of Internet in 1969. Invented by- Vinton Gray Cerf;
117.  The predecessor of modern internet- Arpanet (Advance Research Project Agency Network);
118.  Web browser is used to display web contents;
119.  Popular Web browsers- Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google chrome, Internet Explorer;
120.  Search engines searches websites by keyword(s);


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