- Error removing procedure from a program is called – Debugging
- BASIC is a – programming language
- Which one is the computer’s own language? – Low level language which is written in binary
- Give some Example of programming language. Answer: BASIC, PaSCAL, C++, FORTRAN
- Programming languages- Fortran, Java, C++, BASIC, LOGO, COBOL, Pascal;
- 1st Programming language- Fortran (Formula Translator);
- The characteristic of computers that differentiate from the other electronic devices- Programming;
- Programming errors detected by the language translator are called- Syntax errors;
- The low level language- machine language, assembly language;
- High level language is also called- Problem oriented language, Business oriented language, Mathematically oriented language;
- Interpreter translate one instruction- at a time;
- A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do , how do it is called- program;
- Assembler is a software;
- Translator convert programming instruction into Machine language;
- Translator software is interpreter or compiler;
- Main goal of programming is satisfactory solution of problem;
- There are 3 types of programming language- i. Machine language, ii. Assembly language, iii. High level language;
- Compiler software is used to convert High Level language into Machine language;
- The program that used in High level language is- Source code;
- In a perfect program there are 4 steps- i. Identify the problem, ii. Flow chart, iii. Code, iv. Debug;
- When flow chart is converted into computer programming language is called- Coding;
- Flow chart is the pictorial form of the different steps of a program;
- Pseudo code used in programming, the word ‘Pseudo’ come from Greek;
- In programming language ‘Pseudo’ means- It is not true;
- When some instructions are written before using the programming language is called- Pseudo code;
- Boolean data type is 2 byte;
- Integer data type is 2 byte;
- The size of ‘Date’ data type = 8 byte; [each character 2 byte]
- Property, Event and Method are the base of a object oriented programming;
- A visual basic programming does have 3 mood;
- When controls are used on the form at the design mood visual basic programming is called- Interface of program;
- The principal goal of a visual basic programming language is fast and easy window based program;
- In 3rd step coding work is done in programming;
- Flow chart is one of the base of programming;
- Coding means write program;
- 3 types of operators used in visual Basic program;
- Array- One kind of variable;
- DO ——— LOOP is the statement, means- repetition;
- The short form of Combo box- object in visual basic programming- cbo;
- The short form of command Button in visual Basic programming- cmd;
- The short form of label object in visual basic programming- lbl;
- The short form of Text object in visual basic program- txt
- Visual basic programming marketed in 1960;
- The program that translate program that’s written in high level language into machine language is called- Compiler;
- The ‘Add or remove programs’ utility can be found in- Control panel;
- The task of a debug program is to look into all programs to- Locate and correct errors;
- The process of identifying and correcting mistakes in a computer program is referred to as- Debugging [Wrong program];
- There are three types of errors in a program, namely- (a). Syntax error; (b). Logical error; (c). Executive error.
- In a computer program, the process of executing the same instructions over and over is called- Looping;
- কম্পিউটারের সমস্যা সমাধানের উদ্দেশ্যে সম্পাদনের অনুক্রমে সাজানো নির্দেশাবলীকে বলা হয়- প্রোগ্রাম;
- মেশিনের ভাষায় লিখিত প্রোগ্রামকে বলা হয়- এসেম্বলি;
- প্রোগ্রাম রচনা সবচেয়ে কঠিন মেশিনের ভাষায়;
- মেশিন ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ দুইটি সংকেত সমন্বয়ে গঠিত;
- ইন্টারপ্রেটার- অনুবাদক প্রোগ্রাম;
- Visual Basic এ দুই ধরনের ধ্রুবক থাকে;