Computer Programming

Computer Programming (কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামিং)

(কম্পিউটার আদেশ নির্দেশ প্রদানের জন্য কম্পিউটার বুঝতে পারে এমন কিছুসংকেত এবং কতিপয় নিয়মকানুন
ব্যবহার করে প্রোগাম তৈরী করা হয়। প্রোগ্রাম তৈরীর জন্য ব্যবহৃত সকল নিয়ম কানুন ও সংকেতগুলোকে একত্রে
প্রোগ্রামের ভাষা বলে। একটি কম্পিউটার শত সহস্র ইলেক্ট্রনিক সুইচ সমন্বয়ে তৈরী, যার দুইটি অবস্থা OFF/ON থাকে।
352.  A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do , how do it is called- program;
353.  Chief component of first generation computer was- Vacuum Tubes and Valves;
354.  First generation programming language – Machine language;
355.  The language which is directly understood bythe computer without translation program-
Machine language;
356.  Second generation computer was developed in during 1956 to 1965;
357.  Second generation programming language- Assembly language;
358.  The third generation programming language is High level language;
359.  Forth generation programming language- Very High level language;
360.  Fifth generation programming language- Natural language;
361.  Computer can understand human language after converting into machine language;
362.  The present time is called age of information;
363.  In industries the device is used as alternative of worker is called- Robot;
364.  Computer is not intelligent like man;
365.  Computer cannot be used toexchange of feelings;
366. 1st Generation computer- EDSAC;
367. 2nd Generation computer- IBM 1401;
368. Vacuum tubes- Computers of 1st
369. Transistors instead of bulbs at first use in- Computers of 2nd
370.  High level language used in- 2nd
generation computer;
371. Integrated circuit (IC) was in use in- 3rd
generation computer;
372.  Micro Computers (Micro processor)- 4th
Generation computer;
373.  The brain of a computer- Microprocessor;
374.  Microprocessor invented in 1971;
375.  Intel Itanum microprocessor is 128 bit;
376.  A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the
microcomputer is known as- address bus;
377.  A basic unit of measurement for capacitors is- farad;
378.  At first Microprocessor manufactured by- Intel;
379.  Microprocessor is used for processing data;
380.  Intel 4080 was the model of the first microprocessor was marketed on November 1971;
381.  The Microprocessor 8080 was manufactured by Intel in 1974;
382.  Micro computer were first marketed by Apple company in 1976, Brand name- Apple;
383.  International Business Machine (IBM) company marketed her microcomputer in 1981;
384.  Apple company marketed her new series of microcomputer with Macintosh brand name in
1984 and earned quick popularity;
385.  The translation from heavy computers to PCs was made possible by using- microprocessor;
386.  Several lacks of transistors make a Microprocessor;
387.  There are 5 generations of computers;
388.  Fifth generation computer is still under development;
389.  Artificial intelligence is associated with- fifth generation;
390.  Super Computer- 5th
generation computer;

AKM Shafiul Azam

View posts by AKM Shafiul Azam
Currently working as a Instructor (Computer), District Based Women Computer Training Project (64 districts), Jatiya Mohila Songtha Under Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

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