Computer Programming (কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামিং)
(কম্পিউটার আদেশ নির্দেশ প্রদানের জন্য কম্পিউটার বুঝতে পারে এমন কিছুসংকেত এবং কতিপয় নিয়মকানুন
ব্যবহার করে প্রোগাম তৈরী করা হয়। প্রোগ্রাম তৈরীর জন্য ব্যবহৃত সকল নিয়ম কানুন ও সংকেতগুলোকে একত্রে
প্রোগ্রামের ভাষা বলে। একটি কম্পিউটার শত সহস্র ইলেক্ট্রনিক সুইচ সমন্বয়ে তৈরী, যার দুইটি অবস্থা OFF/ON থাকে।
352. A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do , how do it is called- program;
353. Chief component of first generation computer was- Vacuum Tubes and Valves;
354. First generation programming language – Machine language;
355. The language which is directly understood bythe computer without translation program-
Machine language;
356. Second generation computer was developed in during 1956 to 1965;
357. Second generation programming language- Assembly language;
358. The third generation programming language is High level language;
359. Forth generation programming language- Very High level language;
360. Fifth generation programming language- Natural language;
361. Computer can understand human language after converting into machine language;
362. The present time is called age of information;
363. In industries the device is used as alternative of worker is called- Robot;
364. Computer is not intelligent like man;
365. Computer cannot be used toexchange of feelings;
366. 1st Generation computer- EDSAC;
367. 2nd Generation computer- IBM 1401;
368. Vacuum tubes- Computers of 1st
369. Transistors instead of bulbs at first use in- Computers of 2nd
370. High level language used in- 2nd
generation computer;
371. Integrated circuit (IC) was in use in- 3rd
generation computer;
372. Micro Computers (Micro processor)- 4th
Generation computer;
373. The brain of a computer- Microprocessor;
374. Microprocessor invented in 1971;
375. Intel Itanum microprocessor is 128 bit;
376. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the
microcomputer is known as- address bus;
377. A basic unit of measurement for capacitors is- farad;
378. At first Microprocessor manufactured by- Intel;
379. Microprocessor is used for processing data;
380. Intel 4080 was the model of the first microprocessor was marketed on November 1971;
381. The Microprocessor 8080 was manufactured by Intel in 1974;
382. Micro computer were first marketed by Apple company in 1976, Brand name- Apple;
383. International Business Machine (IBM) company marketed her microcomputer in 1981;
384. Apple company marketed her new series of microcomputer with Macintosh brand name in
1984 and earned quick popularity;
385. The translation from heavy computers to PCs was made possible by using- microprocessor;
386. Several lacks of transistors make a Microprocessor;
387. There are 5 generations of computers;
388. Fifth generation computer is still under development;
389. Artificial intelligence is associated with- fifth generation;
390. Super Computer- 5th
generation computer;